Develop Intellectual Property to Build Value into your Amazon Business or Brand Here is a do-it-yourself, how to build value into your Amazon-based brand so that you can get more money if you decide to sell it. One of the greatest things you can do yourself is to develop intellectual property that the business owns….

Reporting Copyright Infringement on Amazon & How to Remove Baseless Complaints against Sellers Hi, Amazon sellers. Today, I want to talk to you about copyright law. Copyright does not always have to be registered and in fact, it can be hard to register and that is why a lot of copyrights are not registered. We…

Traditionally, designs for articles of fashion, including sneakers, have not had much intellectual property (IP) protection available. However, today these articles can be eligible for protection under copyright, trademark and patent law. Whether you’re a designer or reseller of fashion goods, you need to know the types of protection (and common defenses) available. Copyright Protection…

Alibaba vs. Amazon – Seller Infringement Reporting Differences When it comes to online platforms, Alibaba has an extremely robust system, where you actually have to show that you own intellectual property rights before you can make an intellectual property right complaint. The major difference between using Alibaba’s report infringement platform and Amazon’s, which usually involves…

By Ben Sisario, NY Times – click here for the original article. For months, the entertainment industry’s legal calendar had an intriguing item on the horizon: a copyright trial pitting Tracy Chapman, the singer-songwriter, against the rapper Nicki Minaj. But that trial is not to be. Late last month, the parties agreed to a…

Brand Infringement Reporting on Alibaba vs Amazon Michelle Maldonado – Okay, gentlemen, thank you once again for joining me in our series about brand infringement reporting on Alibaba vs Amazon. Very valuable information for sellers out there that have brands they want to protect. Who else to talk to about this but CJ and Rob…

As an Amazon brand manager, it is essential to understand how the 1st sale doctrine impacts your right to control the unauthorized resale of your products on The 1st sale doctrine provides that an individual who legally purchases a product (protected by trademark), also receives the right to sell, display or otherwise dispose of…

Amazon Test Buys for Brand Protection – Remove Unauthorized Online Sellers on Amazon Brand managers need to know about test buys and their significance when you’re trying to remove unauthorized sellers on Amazon. A test buy is simply when you purchase an alleged infringing sample product. If you believe an Amazon seller is delivering a…

Protect sales on Amazon & stop unauthorized sales online – Large & small brand managers need to know about the first sale doctrine. Large & small brand managers need to know about the first sale doctrine. Essentially, the first sale doctrine says that anyone in the United States can buy and sell any product they…

Copyright complaint on Amazon account? File a counter notice. Anthony, a paralegal at our firm, talks about copyright complaints made on and counter notices. As you may already know, a counter notice is only applicable to copyright complaints under the DMCA, which stands for Digital Millennium Copyright Act. A DMCA counter notice is submitted…

Protecting your Band’s Merchandise Sales from Counterfeiters / Unauthorized Sellers Copyright Infringement Actions There are two requirements for your work to be protected by a copyright heading: 1) Fixation, and 2) Originality. The work must be fixed in a tangible medium of expression that can be perceived, reproduced, or otherwise communicated, either directly or with…

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) is a law passed by Congress in 1998 meant to protect copyrights on the internet and other digital media formats. [1] The DMCA contains several provisions that help to protect copyright holder’s rights abroad as well as a procedure for copyright holders to initiate “takedowns” of counterfeit merchandise. The…

Trademark & Copyright Registration Trademarks serve a dual purpose. First, trademarks protect customers. Trademarks assure customers of the quality of the product they purchase. Second, trademarks protect brands. If your brand’s mark is on a product and another seller provides counterfeit goods with your mark, you may bring legal action against that seller and recover…

There are numerous incredibly talented musical artists in the world. There are far fewer financially successful ones. One of the most painful truths that I learned in my youth was that the obscure and underground punk and metal bands I loved were often near financially destitute, and that sucks. It was cool when I was…

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