As an Amazon brand manager, it is essential to understand how the 1st sale doctrine impacts your right to control the unauthorized resale of your products on The 1st sale doctrine provides that an individual who legally purchases a product (protected by trademark), also receives the right to sell, display or otherwise dispose of…

Reducing counterfeit sales online, specifically on Free consultations 7 days a week: 1-877-9-SELLER. Rosenbaum Famularo, PC – Brand Protection Done Right Either the brand itself or one authorized seller should get brand registry. What brand registry gives you is control over the listing or the description of your product on Amazon. Incredible tools to…

After Michael Jackson’s death in 2009, defendant Vintage Pop Media LLC created several websites where they displayed and sold copyright protected property of Michael Jackson. This included “key art” from Jackson’s movie “This Is It”, audio recordings of his song “Destiny”, material from an anniversary DVD of “Thriller”, and an image of Michael Jackson performing…
