Brand Protection on Amazon: How to Write a Cease and Desist Letter to Stop Unauthorized Sales A cease and desist letter is a written demand for an individual/business to immediately and permanently stop an alleged illegal activity. The letter sometimes serves as a warning that if the recipient does not discontinue the conduct described in…

Investing in Brand Protection in an Age Ruled by Amazon Faster, more efficient, less costly; the entire retail landscape has changed for brand managers now that secures the vast majority of retail sales in the United States. In an age ruled by Amazon, brand managers must take special consideration of the current ecommerce landscape…

Brand Protection on Amazon: Patent Rights Patents are effective tools for brand protection, especially in a global retail environment full of copycat sellers. Both utility patent infringement and design patent infringement are rampant on As such, Amazon brand managers should ensure they understand exactly what their patent rights cover and how to know when…

3 Ways for Brand Managers to Protect Sales on Amazon: More Than Just Fighting Counterfeiters This is an introduction to three huge aspects for brand managers because your job is not simply fighting counterfeiters. Anti-counterfeiting is absolutely vital, but it’s not the only role that a brand manager must play in brand protection, specifically on…

Brand Protection on AMZ: How to Use Test Buys to Remove Unauthorized Sellers from your Amazon Listings Amazon brand managers should understand the importance of test buys in removing unauthorized sellers from their Amazon listings. Performing a “test buy” simply means that you, as the brand rights owner, purchase of a sample of the suspected…

As an Amazon brand manager, it is essential to understand how the 1st sale doctrine impacts your right to control the unauthorized resale of your products on The 1st sale doctrine provides that an individual who legally purchases a product (protected by trademark), also receives the right to sell, display or otherwise dispose of…

AMZ brand protection: More than just stopping counterfeit sales. 3 essential tools for brand managers on Amazon. While fighting counterfeiting on Amazon is absolutely vital, it is not the only role that a brand manager must play in AMZ brand protection. This article gives you 3 essential devices which all Amazon brand managers should learn…

Cease & Desist Letters to Unauthorized Amazon Sellers As a brand manager, you should absolutely know what should be in your cease and desist communications to unauthorized Amazon sellers. The very first thing you should put in that communication is a reason to the seller why he/she cannot sell your products, why they are violating…

Protect sales on Amazon & stop unauthorized sales online – Large & small brand managers need to know about the first sale doctrine. Large & small brand managers need to know about the first sale doctrine. Essentially, the first sale doctrine says that anyone in the United States can buy and sell any product they…
