3 Ways for Brand Managers to Protect Sales on Amazon: More Than Just Fighting Counterfeiters This is an introduction to three huge aspects for brand managers because your job is not simply fighting counterfeiters. Anti-counterfeiting is absolutely vital, but it’s not the only role that a brand manager must play in brand protection, specifically on…

Are you a musician? Do you need to protect your band name or logo from counterfeit sellers on ecommerce platforms? In order to obtain nationwide protection, you should register your band name, phrase and/or logo with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. The registration process is relatively straight forward but can be time consuming….

Amazon Seller Strategy: Fighting Counterfeiters on Amazon In 23 years, Amazon has evolved from a website that merely sold books to the largest ecommerce platform in the world. Today, fifty cents out of every dollar exchanged online is spent on the Amazon platform. As the Amazon platform has expanded, so have the opportunities for Amazon…
