Brand Protection on Amazon: Chinese Factory Manufacturing Contracts & IP Rights in China Over the last several years, Amazon has dramatically increased their efforts to approach factories in China to secure their own direct manufacturing contracts and establish selling partner relationships. If your brand manufactures products in China and sells them on, and Amazon…

3 Ways for Brand Managers to Protect Sales on Amazon: More Than Just Fighting Counterfeiters This is an introduction to three huge aspects for brand managers because your job is not simply fighting counterfeiters. Anti-counterfeiting is absolutely vital, but it’s not the only role that a brand manager must play in brand protection, specifically on…

AMZ brand protection: More than just stopping counterfeit sales. 3 essential tools for brand managers on Amazon. While fighting counterfeiting on Amazon is absolutely vital, it is not the only role that a brand manager must play in AMZ brand protection. This article gives you 3 essential devices which all Amazon brand managers should learn…
