3 Ways for Brand Managers to Protect Sales on Amazon: More Than Just Fighting Counterfeiters This is an introduction to three huge aspects for brand managers because your job is not simply fighting counterfeiters. Anti-counterfeiting is absolutely vital, but it’s not the only role that a brand manager must play in brand protection, specifically on…

IP Protection Done The Right Way: nothing is outsourced when it comes to brand control. What I want to talk to you about is who is handling the brand protection work to make sure that the C & D letters that go out are done appropriately, that the complaints are phrased properly, and that you’re…

Brand Protection on AMZ: How to Use Test Buys to Remove Unauthorized Sellers from your Amazon Listings Amazon brand managers should understand the importance of test buys in removing unauthorized sellers from their Amazon listings. Performing a “test buy” simply means that you, as the brand rights owner, purchase of a sample of the suspected…

As an Amazon brand manager, it is essential to understand how the 1st sale doctrine impacts your right to control the unauthorized resale of your products on Amazon.com. The 1st sale doctrine provides that an individual who legally purchases a product (protected by trademark), also receives the right to sell, display or otherwise dispose of…

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