You are invited to join CJ Rosenbaum and 21 top experts in the Amazon ecommerce world August 25 – 28, 2019 in Austin, Texas for AMZ Masters Academy.
I am honored to be speaking at this event next month in Austin, Texas. The line-up of speakers is incredible – it’s a who’s who of the best teachers in the Amazon seller space.
Here’s all the details from Kevin King, who’s putting on the event:
Ready to change your life by learning how to crush it selling on Amazon? Learn from true masters of private label selling on Amazon, live and in person!
You have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to have direct access to 22 of the very best of the best Amazon tacticians in the world. It’s called AMZ Masters Academy, and there has never been anything like it. No other conference or event comes close to comparing.
In late May, Kevin hosted the Billion Dollar Seller Summit for advanced, experienced Amazon sellers (average seller at the event was doing $6 million per year). It was a huge success, with many of the attendees saying it was the best event they had ever been to for Amazon sellers.
Now Kevin is doing it again, except this time it is for entrepreneurs who are just getting started selling on Amazon, or maybe who are selling already but are looking to grow their business to six or seven figures fast.
Intensive, in-person training with direct access to experts is the best way to learn fast. Make a smart investment in yourself and your future by joining us. It very well may be the best money you have ever spent to potentially change your life in a big way.
Kevin has hand-selected the very best speakers and teachers in the world to give you a major competitive advantage.
You will know all the latest up-to-date tactics and strategies and have the confidence to really propel your business to the next level!
AMZ Masters Academy is organized as an A-to-Z training, with each speaker’s content building upon the previous speaker’s in a logical, easy to understand style of learning.
You will learn from these experts in a logical, step-by-step way:
1. Legal – structure and company set up – CJ Rosenbaum
2. Seller Central features & navigation – Kevin King
3. Product Selection – Kevin King
4. Keyword Research – Brandon Young
5. Listing Creation – copy – Diane Boerstler
6. Listing Creation – images & video – Karyn Thomas
7. Legal – intellectual property – Richard Goldstein
8. Cash Flow projecting – Arnold Shields
9. Sourcing – by yourself and trade shows – Kian Golzari
10. Sourcing – using agents and online sites – Nathan Resnik
11. Shipping – Rafael Elbaz
12. How Ranking Works & Launching – Anthony Lee
13. Promotions, Pricing & Coupons – Paulina Masson
14. PPC – doing yourself – Liran Hirschhorn
15. PPC – using tools – Mike Zagare
16. Social Media – Facebook – Manuel Saurez
17. Social Media – Chatbots – Paul Baron
18. Using Virtual Assistants – Nathan Hirsch
19. Legal – TOS Compliance – Cynthia Stine
20. Account management – Norman Farrar
21. Best Software Tools – Bradley Sutton
22. Selling your Business – Coran Woodmas
You will have direct access to the trainers after they teach you from the stage in small group breakout sessions to get your specific questions answered.
Your ticket price to AMZ Masters Academy includes all speaker sessions, daily breakout sessions, lunch each day, and the welcome cocktail party at The W Hotel in Austin.
A limited number of VIP upgrades are available.
When you upgrade to VIP status, you will also receive these benefits:
– video recordings of each speaker presentation
– audio recordings from every breakout session
– detailed written notes from each speaker’s presentation
– access to the VIP lounge, reserved front row upgraded seating
– a paid ticket to the exclusive VIP speakers dinner the last night
This is a small event where personal attention is the priority. Don’t delay or you will miss out on this incredible opportunity.
Secure your spot immediately at http://www.amzmasters.com/
For more events with CJ Rosenbaum check out the latest here https://brandprotectionamazon.com/events/
Already crushing it on Amazon? Tag or forward this to your friends who may just be getting started or to a group of other Amazon sellers who could benefit. It could make a huge difference in their life and their chances of success selling on Amazon. They will owe you one for life.