The Chinese marketplace is booming and ripe for investment. The development of ecommerce companies like Amazon, Alibaba, and eBay have provided the keys to the global marketplace for corporations and individual sellers to market their products worldwide. As such, it’s absolutely paramount that sellers understand their Intellectual Property Rights in China. Understanding Intellectual Property Rights…

The bulk of artist revenue on tour comes from concert attendance together with the sale of merchandise sold at the venue and online. In fact, about 80% of bands’ profits from live events come from merchandise bought by fans. In the music industry, it is common and acknowledged that your music can be streamed or…

Are you a musician? Do you need to protect your band name or logo from counterfeit sellers on ecommerce platforms? In order to obtain nationwide protection, you should register your band name, phrase and/or logo with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. The registration process is relatively straight forward but can be time consuming….

As a world-renowned musician or band, you have the unique ability to influence various aspects of American culture including social media usage, the success of music streaming services, and our nation’s youth. Musicians and bands have a particularly big influence on merchandise sales and the fashion retail industry. This influence dates all the way back…

First impressions are said to make or break a relationship. This is especially true when interacting with a product. The first thing a potential customer will see is the product’s packaging. Packaging is often not given the same attention as a brand name or logo. However, as we will discuss, packaging can be an equally…

Big Shot Billy Joel was running down the River Of Dreams until an unlicensed seller was selling his merchandise. Root Beer Rags, Ltd. was the authorized seller of Billy Joel merchandise who was Movin’ Out of their tent inside the Milwaukee Arena to see why they were not selling as much merchandise as they should…

If you are a private label seller and you manufacture your own products, chances are you are manufacturing in China. What Conor’s working on is a book providing sellers info. they need to protect themselves under Chinese IP law named, The Sellers Guide to IP Law. This book is targeted at sellers who are interested…

Intellectual property complaints (both valid and baseless) have become somewhat of a regularity on the Amazon platform, and a common cause for seller suspensions. For Amazon sellers, intellectual property issues can be complex, but more importantly, they can cause your business to shut down completely if you lose your ability to sell. The First Sale…

Amazon sellers are typically some of the most innovative entrepreneurs and are constantly finding new ways to make money and drive profit margins on the Amazon platform. One of the most lucrative business models used by Amazon sellers is online retail arbitrage. However, even though arbitrage can be lucrative, Amazon sellers should be aware that…

Baseless IP complaints are constantly filed on the Amazon platform, and sellers who were once left without recourse now have a route to reinstatement. It seems that Amazon has ditched its old policy of instantly suspending sellers accused of intellectual property violations, and replaced it with a system that actually makes sense; not just for…

Amazon Seller Strategy: Fighting Counterfeiters on Amazon In 23 years, Amazon has evolved from a website that merely sold books to the largest ecommerce platform in the world. Today, fifty cents out of every dollar exchanged online is spent on the Amazon platform. As the Amazon platform has expanded, so have the opportunities for Amazon…

Memorandum of Law Issue: Whether an Amazon seller who lists their products against a pre-existing product detail page which violates a third party’s intellectual property rights is liable for infringement merely for adding products to the listing without knowledge of the infringement.   Brief Answer: Although there is a defense called “innocent infringement” pursuant to…

Counterfeit products plague the Amazon platform, and are one of the most commonly cited complaints that sellers have. Countries like China, India, and Vietnam have an abundance of factories and manufacturers which has resulted in these areas being linked to the majority of this counterfeiting problem. Intellectual Property (IP) right protection is key to a…

Amazon sellers who list their own private label products can be subject to a hijacked listing, which occurs when another seller has posted a counterfeit or similar version of your private label product on your listing. This can be extremely frustrating for sellers, as its undermines their efforts to create their own brands and products,…

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