As an artist or small business owner, you have likely, at some point in your career, encountered issues involving intellectual property and copyright. While copyright may sound like nothing but legal jargon to you, educating yourself on copyright and everything it can do for you is important in ensuring that you maintain business on the…

July 19th – 20th, 2019 – Minneapolis, Minnesota You’re invited to join CJ Rosenbaum for the 6th Annual Midwest e-Com Conference for Sellers By Sellers in Minneapolis, Minnesota! Before CJ’s law firm was founded, Amazon sellers had only one option for assistance in getting their account reinstated: non-lawyers who lack the education, expertise, and resources…

5/29 – 5/30/2019 Retail Global Australia Ecommerce Conference & Exhibition Private Label Masterclass Hosted by Amazon Sellers Lawyer CJ Rosenbaum CJ Rosenbaum, Esq., founder of the largest and most respected law firm for sellers around the world shares methods to create and protect an asset you own. CJ uses his knowledge of Amazon suspensions, intellectual…

The Chinese marketplace is booming and ripe for investment. The development of ecommerce companies like Amazon, Alibaba, and eBay have provided the keys to the global marketplace for corporations and individual sellers to market their products worldwide. As such, it’s absolutely paramount that sellers understand their Intellectual Property Rights in China. Understanding Intellectual Property Rights…

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