Brett Sondike, Director of Client Services at Rosenbaum Famularo, PC, law firm behind, talks about employee management and ways to deal with Amazon.

Business Law for Sellers: Managing Employees

We care about the long term health of your account. Honesty is a hallmark of our business dealings. Our team will give honest assessments of whether we can reinstate your AMZ seller account or not. We will give you a realistic assessment of your account issues. We hold our team to a high standard but stop short of demanding perfection.

Key Points to Take Away:

Listening is an important part of a manager’s job. Listen more than you talk to get the full picture.

Criticize in private but praise in public. We want people to learn from their mistakes so they can avoid them in the future.

Mood swings: most people understand that bad moods can happen to the best of us. Communications with Amazon should always be respectful.

Managing employees can be a tough endeavor. Consider moving a struggling but teachable employee to a new department.

Refrain from giving advice on an employee’s personal life. Leave personal counseling to the professionals.

With unruly employees, speak privately, be clear, and provide examples of bad behavior. Give suggestions on how they can change and provide feedback on all improvements.
