Protecting your Band’s Merchandise Sales from Counterfeiters / Unauthorized Sellers Copyright Infringement Actions There are two requirements for your work to be protected by a copyright heading: 1) Fixation, and 2) Originality. The work must be fixed in a tangible medium of expression that can be perceived, reproduced, or otherwise communicated, either directly or with…
Your logo, like your brand name, will be used by customers to identify your brand. Similar to your brand name, there are myriad issues to keep in mind when developing a logo. The following is a guide for private label sellers as to the different types of logos that can be successfully developed. Lettermark or…
The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) is a law passed by Congress in 1998 meant to protect copyrights on the internet and other digital media formats. [1] The DMCA contains several provisions that help to protect copyright holder’s rights abroad as well as a procedure for copyright holders to initiate “takedowns” of counterfeit merchandise. The…
Trademark & Copyright Registration Trademarks serve a dual purpose. First, trademarks protect customers. Trademarks assure customers of the quality of the product they purchase. Second, trademarks protect brands. If your brand’s mark is on a product and another seller provides counterfeit goods with your mark, you may bring legal action against that seller and recover…