Amazon sellers who list their own private label products can be subject to a hijacked listing, which occurs when another seller has posted a counterfeit or similar version of your private label product on your listing. This can be extremely frustrating for sellers, as its undermines their efforts to create their own brands and products,…
Amazon is taking an even further action in its fight against counterfeiters and intellectual property violations. Recently, the e-commerce giant announced that they will be expanding the Brand Registry program and implementing new tools to help sellers protect their brands and rights. Although Brand Registry has been around since 2015, it was technically in a…
Join CJ Rosenbaum and Rob Segall at the TIA Tennis Forum in NYC. The 11th Annual TIA Tennis Forum will be held in New York City on Monday, Aug. 27, the first day of play at the US Open. The Forum is slated to run from 8:00 to 9:30 a.m. at the Grand Hyatt New…
The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is a specialized agency that operates globally. WIPO is responsible for enforcing intellectual property rights on an international scale. WIPO is based out of Geneva, Switzerland and governs under multiple international treaties. The purpose of the treaties is to facilitate cooperation amongst the participating governments. The World Intellectual Property…